Good results at Silver at Lier
14 mai was the Silver competition at Azelhof at Lier. The R-horses showed themselfs in good shape at this competition.
Kalamaki R Z (Kannan x Carthago Z) had a clear round with Roy van Beek at 1m15.
At 1m25 Roy made a demonstration with our stallion Fortune R Z (Fantomas x Mermus R) and finished at the 13th place and finished also at the 17th place with Quiro R Z (Quannan R x Rex Z).
At 1m35 Dieter vermeiren finished at the 9th place with Deja vu and became 11th with Dante. Also Roy had a clear round with our stallion Etino R Z (Emerald x Guidam) and with Quantum III R Z (Quannan R x Rex Z).
We hope more of these days...